
News Articles

23/05/2024 : Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Baycity Strollers held their AGM on Thursday 23 May.   The meeting marked the occasion of John McKeller and Peter Worley leaving their respective roles as ‘Club Co-ordination & Welfare’ and Chairman. Lawrence Hall-Daniels will become the new Chairman while his role as Club Secretary will be performed by Rob Lynn.   The meeting was…

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23/04/2024 : Kent Football Association Walking Football League AGM

Kent FA Walking Football League AGM – Tuesday 23rd April 2024 commencing @ 6.30pm Kent FA HQ Invicta House, Cobdown Park, ME20 6DQ   Chairman: Vince Luckhurst Secretary: (Minutes) Colin Feaver Scrutineer: Nigel Gomez-Lee Kent FA Representatives in attendance: Harry Burgess, Kelvin Newell & Matt Dixon The meeting began at 6.40pm   MINUTES • In summary 17 Clubs were represented & eligible to vote, apologies were received…

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16/04/2024 : Use of defibrillator at Baypoint

  All members were asked (email dated 16 April) to make sure that they familiarise themselves with the location of where the defibrillator is situated at Baypoint i.e. ( far side of the 3 pitch AstroTurf ) on the old cricket pavilion.     Members were asked to copy and paste the information below into…

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27/03/2024 : Baycity Strollers 10th anniversary Annual General Meeting

Baycity Strollers 10th anniversary Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at 19.00 hours on Thursday 23rd May at Baypoint Sports Club.  The meeting will be a social event too, with a quiz and hot food to mark the start of the 10th anniversary celebrations.  The club will be covering the cost of the food….

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6/8/2023 : Peter Cadogan Memorial Cup

First of all a big thanks for everyone coming along and making the day such a good event, all the games were competitive but played in such a way that the football was so enjoyable, walking football as it should be, Peter would have loved it.   Baypoint have to be applauded giving us the…

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19/4/2023 : Kent Football Association Walking Football League AGM

The Kent Football Association ‘Walking Football League’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on Wednesday  19th April 2023. Gordon Hatt represented both the Over 50s and Over 60s league teams on behalf of Baycity Strollers.     The minutes of the AGM are recorded below.       KENT FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION WALKING FOOTBALL LEAGUE ANNUAL…

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23/10/2022 : Peter Cadogan Cup

Results:-     Play up Plumpy 1 F(r)attons 0 F(r)attons 1 Ramsgate 0 Ramsgate 0 Play up Plumpy 0 F(r)attons 1 Play up Plumpy 1 Ramsgate 3 F(r)attons 2 Play up Plumpy 0 Ramsgate 0   We had a great turnout at Baypoint on a very wet morning, current and ex players assembled for a…

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23/10/2022 : Mini tournament in memory of Peter Cadogan and Bob Nutter

On Sunday 23rd October 2022 Baycity Strollers will be holding a mini tournament at Baypoint in memory of two of our friends and players who passed away, Peter Cadogan and Bob Nutter. All money raised on the day will be donated to Prostate Cancer UK. Baypoint have very kindly given the Strollers the pitch free…

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6/7/2022 : Annual General Meeting at Broadstairs Cricket Club

The first Annual General Meeting (AGM) since 2019, due to the pandemic, is to be held on Wednesday 6th July at the Broadstairs Cricket Club, The Pavilion, Park Avenue, Broadstairs, CT10 2XY.     Details of the Agenda for the AGM will be circulated to members in due course.      If anyone wishes to…

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24/4/2022 : Mini tournament proceeds to cancer research

  On Sunday 24th April the great and the good congregated at Baypoint Sports Club for a mini walking football tournament in aid of cancer research. Three teams from Baycity Strollers took part, along with teams from Sheppey, Folkestone and the Sticky Wicket (Ramsgate).      The format saw each team playing each other once…

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22/02/2022 : Changes to Monday night football

This information was emailed to all club members on 13 February 2022 by Lawrence.   At our recent committee meeting a number of subjects were discussed. There are to be some changes that we propose to come in to force.   The Committee now intend to meet up at least every 3 to 4 months….

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20/02/2022 : Friendly Over 60s v Over 50s

As part of their pre season friendlies Baycity Strollers Over 60s took on the Baycity Strollers Over 50s at Baypoint on Sunday 20th February. It was the first time the Over 60s had played since October 2021 after coming second in the Kent Walking Football League to Herne Bay.   Despite the blustery conditions good…

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11/01/2022 : Monday session restriction on numbers

The committee has decided to restrict the number of players attending Monday evening sessions to a maximum of 24.  All players are therefore reminded of the importance of confirming their attendance or non-attendance on a Monday evening when requested.  Responses to Lawrence (Club Secretary) can be made by email or WhatsApp.     This also…

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21/12/2021 : BayCity Olympics – Christmas event – Postponed

Unfortunately due to the current situation with the Omicron variant it was decided to postpone this event to a later date in 2022.   On Tuesday 21st December 2021 BayCity Strollers will be holding this year’s Christmas get together at the Sticky Wicket. The BayCity Olympics will involve pub games such as pool, dominoes and…

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22/03/2021: Monday sessions to restart on 29th March 2021

At last, some good news!  We’re delighted to confirm that we will be restarting Monday evening sessions on Monday 29 March.  There are, however, some conditions and we will require EVERYONE to confirm by return email that you accept ALL the conditions set out below.  You must also tell us if you intend to take part…

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18/12/2020: Monday sessions cancelled until New Year

We’ve all seen the dramatic rise in infections across most of the country, and Thanet – though no longer the worst – is still around double the infection rate of the UK as a whole.   In the light of this, and also relatively low attendances recently, the BCS Committee has reluctantly decided to cancel Monday…

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20/10/2020: New floodlights!!

Possibly the only good thing to have come out of the current lengthy Covid-19 period is the major improvement to night-time playing conditions at BayPoint.  We had complained for several years about the state of the old lights (to call them floodlights would be an exaggeration), and a number of attempts to improve them had…

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13/7/2020: Monday evening sessions restarted!

Our first Monday evening session since 16 March took place at BayPoint this week!   Any coming together at this time inevitably carries with it an increased degree of risk, and we are anxious that this should be understood by all our members.  Given the difficult circumstances, this was a brilliant restart with 24 members…

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23/6/2020: Trial Restart Sunday 28 June 2020

We now have agreement from BayPoint for a trial restart this coming Sunday 28 June at 11am.  We understand that we will be able to use the normal AstroTurf pitch and that BayPoint will be making food and drink available for purchase from outside the venue.  Please do make use of these facilities as we…

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15/6/2020: Coronavirus – Contacting all members re: gradual restart

The BCS Committee have been in weekly contact throughout the period of lockdown in order to monitor developments regarding the Covid 19 situation, and how that might affect our walking football activities.  We have also drawn up a Risk Assessment for recommencing our sessions and will be sending this to all members.   John has…

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21/4/2020: Still no football for a while…

To all members:   In the previous post, we said that we would review the Coronavirus situation with regard to Monday night training at the end of April.   We have now done that, and it will come as no surprise to anyone that we are going to have to wait a while longer before…

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19/3/2020: Suspension of Walking Football Sessions

To All Players:     We are all facing an unprecedented challenge to our personal health and that of other people, and at this time we all need to take a collective response to the Coronavirus outbreak.      Everyone’s cooperation, mutual respect and most of all understanding must be the guiding principles for all of…

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4/3/2020: Bob Nutter

1959 – 2020   We are all saddened to hear the news that our friend and team-mate Bob Nutter has passed away – a few days short of his 61st birthday.  Last August, Bob suffered a stroke and a seizure – he was very independent and didn’t want people to know that he had been…

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7/10/2019: BCS 5-Year Anniversary

Hard to believe, but the Strollers have been going for 5 years!  A small handful of brave souls (some of them pictured below) turned up for the first few sessions, but numbers grew quickly and we now have 35-40 regularly playing members, with an average of 20-25 coming to BayPoint every Monday evening.   Many…

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18/6/2019: BCS collection donated to The Firefighters Charity

Nigel Warne presented C.Dyer, Area Commander at the new Ramsgate Fire Station, with a cheque for £80 raised by BayCity Strollers players for The Firefighters Charity.   

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01/05/2019: Annual General Meeting at Sticky Wicket

We have a provisional date of Wednesday 1st May 2019 for our Annual General Meeting.  The AGM is to be held at the Sticky Wicket Sports Bar starting at 7pm (there will be food and, hopefully, entertainment).   Address:  Sticky Wicket, East Kent Sports School, The Royal Harbour Academy, Stirling Way, Ramsgate, CT12 6NB  …

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Result of our 2018-2019 monthly collections for “Help the Heroes”

We’re delighted to have raised a total of £290 from our voluntary £1 per month collections for “Help the Heroes” during 2018-2019.   Our new charity for 2019-2020 is “Crohn’s & Colitis UK”.   Here’s a copy of the letter of acknowledgement from Help the Heroes:        

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Strollers feature in website!

Have a look at this recent post on the website… John McKellar’s FIFA telephone interview has produced a really encouraging article on Walking Football featuring BayCity Strollers. John says that this is read all over the world by people interested in football, and the hope is that Walking Football for over-50s will catch…

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4/2/2019: BCS Over 60s win Walking Football Tournament at West Ham United, London Stadium!

BayCity Strollers were the guests of the West Ham Community Walking Football team, where two mini tournaments were organised featuring over 50s and over 60s teams from both camps.   BCS Over 60s were crowned tournament winners on account of their two magnificent wins, although BCS Over 50s can be proud of their unbeaten record….

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13/6/2018: AGM at The Sticky Wicket

We will be holding our yearly AGM on Wednesday 13th June. Starting 7 to 7.30pm at: The Sticky Wicket Sports Bar,  East Kent Sports School,  The Royal Harbour Academy,  Stirling Way,  Ramsgate CT12 6NB.   There will be a buffet (cost approx £7-8 per person).

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12/10/2017: Strollers rejoin Kent League!

As many of you will know, we had pulled out of the Kent League last season, as it was felt the games were not being played in the right spirit and had become too aggressive and competitive. A proposal was made by several teams in Kent for the league to be reinstated this year, and…

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19/8/2017: Winners of Kent FA Community Day Tournament

BCS took part in the inaugural Kent FA Community Day at the FA headquarters in Ditton, Maidstone.  This involved tournaments for teams of youngsters, disabled teams, girls’ teams and walking football.  A number of activities were held and donations taken towards the Demelza House charity. This was an excellent day – well-organised by Kent FA…

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27/7/2017: Strollers take on the cricket challenge!

To celebrate our 3rd anniversary, Strollers took on Canterbury WFC …… at cricket!  The match was organised by Bill Hammond at The Sticky Wicket venue and turned out – unsurprisingly – to be pretty competitive.  Set a target of 40 to beat from 12 overs, Strollers eventually managed to win with a dramatic late boundary…

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14/5/2017: Dave Bambridge Memorial Cup in aid of Cancer Research UK

This was the inaugural tournament for the Dave Bambridge Memorial Cup.  BayCity Strollers donated the cup, which was in memory of Dave, a firefighter and local goalkeeper who played for Ramsgate FC and Margate FC and who sadly passed away in 2009 after a four-year battle with leukaemia. Originally envisaging a handful of local teams,…

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4/11/2016: BCS resign from Kent league

BayCity Strollers’ players have voted overwhelmingly to leave the Kent Walking Football League with immediate effect.  We had hoped that some of the problems encountered in the league last year would have been resolved by now, but this is clearly not the case.  Too many league games have been played with a win-at-all-costs approach which…

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20/4/2016: Strollers move forward!

At the BayCity Strollers AGM held at BayPoint, the Club decided to enter only one team into the existing league for next season.  BCS will only enter a second team if an additional ‘Friendly League’ is set up (as currently under discussion by the league).  Thanks to outgoing Secretary John Marshall and welcome to our…

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24/1/2016: Strollers reach FA People’s Cup Semi-Finals!

After a long and tiring day in Dartford, BayCity Strollers A team finished as runners-up in the first round of the FA People’s Cup.  (See “Report” under A team Results.)  This means that the Strollers qualify to play in the semi-finals to be held at The Powerleague London City (Docklands) on Sunday 28th February at 2pm!

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19/11/2015: Coach McKellar a winner!

    All of BayCity Strollers were delighted to see our coach, John McKellar, recognised at the Thanet Sports Awards evening held at the Winter Gardens with a “Highly Commended” award in the Coach of the Year category.  No more than John deserved – in fact, not as much as he deserved!  Despite constant ribbing…

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7/10/2015: 1st Anniversary / Awards / Quiz Night!

A sizeable percentage of the club’s members and several partners met at BayPoint to celebrate one year of BayCity Strollers!  During the last 12 months, membership has gone from, well, zero to the mid-thirties (numbers, not ages).  We have met to train and play almost every week of the year, have taken part in loads of…

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27/9/2015: Strollers are SE Region Runners-Up

As Kent Champions, BayCity Strollers A represented the county in the South East Regional finals in Croydon.  Playing on tiny, caged pitches – a far cry from the luxury of BayPoint’s large Astroturf pitch! – Strollers nevertheless gave a good account of themselves against the best of the rest in the South East. Wins against Croydon…

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19/4/2015: BayCity Strollers are champions of Kent!

A glorious afternoon of Walking Football played in great spirit at BayPoint, Sandwich, saw BayCity Strollers A run out (sorry, walk out) as the first Champions of Kent.  En route, Strollers beat Kings Hill comfortably, squeezed past Ramsgate Old Boys and then in what was effectively a final, recorded a dramatic win over Strood with what…

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