22/03/2021: Monday sessions to restart on 29th March 2021
At last, some good news! We’re delighted to confirm that we will be restarting Monday evening sessions on Monday 29 March.
There are, however, some conditions and we will require EVERYONE to confirm by return email that you accept ALL the conditions set out below. You must also tell us if you intend to take part in this first session.
- You will not be allowed to take part in the session if you have not had at least your first jab OR obtained a negative Covid test no later than the Saturday before the session. You will be asked to confirm this on arrival at BayPoint.
- You should not arrive earlier than and cannot enter the pitch area before 6:50pm for the 7pm start, and sessions will probably last for only 50 minutes to allow a smooth changeover.
- John will continue his regime of sanitising all the equipment before and after each session (balls, bibs and cones) and will also carry hand sanitiser and spray at each session.
- If you or anyone in your household has shown symptoms of Covid including high temperatures, continuous cough, loss of smell and taste, you must not attempt to turn up for training on Monday evening. This is to ensure not only your own safety but that of everyone else at BayCity Strollers and BayPoint.
We really look forward to meeting up again on the 29th.