Lawrence Hall-Daniels
Birth year: 1995 (Monday night) 1955 (Tuesday morning)
Family: married with four children, 6 grandchildren, one very large dog (see picture, imagine facing that in goal!)) and two cats.
Nicknames: The Cat, (in my dreams). Only real nickname I ever had was in 6th form and it was “Dumpit” (don’t ask). Oh … and “Lorraine” of course (again, don’t ask).
Occupation: Fighter pilot, hired assassin, full time fantasist.
Previous job: see above
Favourite team: BayCity Strollers or The Arsenal Team of 1971
Favourite player: Peter Cadogan (unless it is a penalty shootout and then it has got to be Neville).
Ambition: To play in the Champions League Final for Arsenal in goal and save a last minute penalty, failing that to find a pound coin in the street.
Other ambition: to play/live long enough to see Kevin Joyce retire.